Friday, May 7, 2010


Today began at 6:30 am. I had a pleasant morning taking my time to wake up. I was a passenger on my way to school. My friend who drove me was pumped up for the new day. This excitement was stoked by the amazing voice of Bill Withers re-ushering me that I could lean on him. I thought of someone who I had shared those lyrics with not to long ago. After departing from the company of my friend I ventured to the bus stop. On my way to rest at my second home in colony before returning to campus for class.

As I waited for the bus to arrive I enjoyed the view of soccer playing. I reminisced to myself about playing soccer. Before I saw the bus arrive I observed some spit someone had left on the pavement, right where your feet might rest if you sat above it on the bench. When I arrived at my second home I watched the first half of Harold and Maud.

I happened upon Harold and Maud last night and watched the last half. I had to watch it all the way through. I will watch it again after I have finished with this post and I recommend it to anyone. Get a little Lesson on life from Harold and Maud. I must say I am a little disappointed in my parents for not sharing Harold and Maud with me sooner. I learned so much from that film today. It continued the tone of bliss that had already been set and it inspired me.

Soon a friend came home and we listened to The Grateful Dead and enjoyed each others company. My Friend woke up our other friends and we hung out and enjoyed the poetry of Bob Dylan until we made our way to H & A.

History and Aesthetics of Photography is always something special. Our Professor is an insightful character and had some very thought provoking concepts he shared with us today. My friends were not interested in listening. I did not agree with all of the things he discussed today but I listened to his thoughts. He shared with us his fear that images have lost their power. "It used to be that people were stupid in private...Keep your demons at bay."

I have been battling my demons this past week or so. Battling as understanding and defining them. Making them faces and giving them names. Its been enlightening and life changing. My eyes seem to always be opened wider, I'm not sure when I shut them. This is the greatest transition of my life. I have a walking meditation my mom taught me in a phone conversation about a week ago. With the first step you say Thank and with the second step you say You. Just let the words be your focus. Focus on the gratitude. I have been practicing this sort of walking meditation for a while now, only it was not as calm before.

Continued below is a Summery of the rest of that fantastic Friday:

I was inspired to get up and go clean the stoop of my second home here in colony. The earth near the stoop was encrusted with cigarette butts and filters as well as some other trash, bottle caps, pens and paper clips to name a few things I discovered. About a week ago there was a butt depot, one of those plastic cigarette butt dispensers, still sitting on that mess, it went missing and so I thought it needed replacing. I used a can my room mate had, that had previously held boy scouts popcorn. I covered the outside with a plain paper sign that read "please put your butts in the can" I accompanied the plain paper with news paper photographs I had cut out and added cigarettes to. The worms and bugs emerged from the ground as I russel up the soil gathering the items that didn't belong there; with my hand wrapped in plastic bag.

My Friends Came home and we went out on an adventure. To Lake Ontario, just to go on an adventure. We followed the clouds there. And there I fell in love once again with one of my true Loves; The clouds, The sky. They just amazes me like nothing else.

After we left the Beach We drove to drop off some of our friends who had accompanied us. Then we were on our way down town to enjoy the opening of Twenty five a gallery show put on by graduating Seniors.
Then I had a nap.

When I awoke it was a party in the living room. My friend joined me on the couch laying with his feet in my face. I replied by giving him a foot massage. I don't know how it got there but, conveniently was lotion right next to the couch. This lead into giving a new friend a foot massage. Feet do not freak me out. Socks do. So if you would like to get a foot massage from me, you must take off your own socks. Feet cases...just freaks me out. Any way. It was a most enjoyable evening and a wonderful day. I do love giving massages.

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